Landon was very excited about having a birthday party this year. He picked out a pirate theme to do and I was so thankful because there is a plethora of pirate things out there for kids his age. It made finding things very easy! We all know that I like to torture myself with very obscure party themes (see
Sydney's first birthday) so I was so pleased with pirates. So was dad. :)
We planned to have Landon's birthday at the same park we had it
last year. It was such a hit with the kids and was super easy. We had the whole place to ourselves. I was able to have the whole pavilion to decorate and we had so much fun hanging out with everyone. I was hoping that this year would be the same, but with it being a public park, you just never know...
We arrived at the park (which also has a handicapped baseball field) and apparently the club was having their championship game! There were TONS of people there!! I started to panic, but figured we would just make the most of it. As we were walking up toward the pavilion, I saw an empty picnic table right next to the splash pad! It was like there was a ray of light surrounding this table. I was so happy just to see an empty table! We quickly snagged it. Although it was right in the sun, I didn't care. We made due. Who would've thought it was going to be that busy! So, things didn't turn out exactly the way I planned but Landon didn't know a difference. He had fun anyways. :)

I made little buckets for all the kids to take home filled with the typical party favors: a pirate pencil, some stickers, a few pieces of candy, some pirate dabloons (gold coins) and a silly straw. I also included an eye patch and bandana in hopes that the kids would dress up and have fun with it. Aiden and Aurora really got into it!
We had pizza for lunch and the kids played like crazy. I don't think I saw kids very much because they were all having fun. That's the way it should be. :)
Dad out in the splash pad with Sydney
Heidi and Hunter
My cute little watermelon pirate ship. I had it filled with fruit, but the fruit was a hit and most of it disappeared. Who doesn't like fruit on a hot, sunny, summer afternoon?
Sydney hanging out with Ms. Theresa
Dad the pizza eating pirate. :)
Little Nevin and his dad, Brad
One of the families had to leave, so we started opening presents so they could see Landon open theirs. Landon got so many new toys, and he was so excited about opening the presents. He kept saying, "I want to open another present!" I think he's getting the hang of these birthdays. :)
Like I said, this party was hot. And in the sun. Bad combination with a cupcake cake...
It melted... Well, what are you gonna do?
We decided not to light Landon's candle since it was windy and it wouldn't have stayed lit anyways. So we just sang "Happy Birthday" and he was happy with that. Although the picture doesn't show his happiness, he was smiling as soon as we said his name in the song. :)
Hunter devoured his cupcake. The only thing was, he didn't use his hands the whole time. He would not pick it up. I guess the melted frosting scared him off. :)
After that came the skull pinata! It's one of those pull the string pinatas so the kids don't hit each other with a bat. Braydon was in charge of putting the candy in the pinata, and as the kids were pulling the strings one-at-a-time, he said to me, "I hope there wasn't something I needed to take out to make all the candy fall"...apparently there was. Sigh. The poor kids patiently pulled all the strings off, and the candy never fell out!
Thankfully, my father-in-law's nickname is "Ram-n-Jam", so he easily tore into the bottom of the pinata to let out all the candy. That pinata never saw it coming. :)
A big thank you to everyone that came! We had so much fun! Although it was hot and the cake melted, it wouldn't have been the same without all of our friends and family there. A big shout out to my husband for helping me out that morning to get everything together for the're wonderful! XOXO